Wednesday, December 17, 2014

I Love Christmas

Do you know what I like most about Christmas? To put it simple: Everything.

I love Christmas. Always have, always will. I love how it's that time of year when you buy countless presents (which I have done!), and I love how it's that time of year to just lay back and watch the Christmas tree light up the room. But it makes me wonder why some of us dismiss this time of year instead of take part in the glory of it?

Let's put it this way: Jesus came in a manger. He came simply so we could have a chance at eternal life. Not to mention, it has been celebrated in the past centuries as the holy day it deserves to be celebrated as. So why do we want to dismiss this beautiful tradition for the liberalistic greeting: Happy Holidays?

Unlike how media places it, tradition can be beautiful. Even I enjoy tradition because it can be beautiful in its own way. Yes, we must dismiss the old bigotry and discrimination of old days, but why dismiss the beautiful old traditions because of the discriminations of the old times? Why dismiss everything just because of the bad of the olden times?

Tradition is beautiful. God is beautiful. There is even beauty in our modernistic society (if only some of us could see it...).

So this year, let's see the beauty of tradition. Let's try and keep our eyes and hearts open to the beautiful traditions and admire the beauty of the season around us.

God bless,

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