Wednesday, December 24, 2014

A Bible Verse For Those Who Are Questioning Their Sexuality

When I discovered I was asexual, I was fairly down about it. Because I thought, "Wow, I'm not a normal sexual orientation. I'm not normal. And no one will accept me as an asexual person." (But, really, who is normal? Who is completely accepting?)

So my self-esteem dropped tremendously. I felt like I was in the wrong somehow. I couldn't help but feel incredibly depressed and lost and alone in all of my feelings.

But then I prayed and prayed to God, asking Him to guide me. I asked Him to help me in everything I was feeling and in everything that I am. And then afterwards I turned to the Bible and opened up to this:

My son, with humility have self-esteem; prize yourself as you deserve. (Sirach 10:27)

It really helped me a lot. Just stumbling across that verse made me realize that God wants me to accept myself as I am, but He also wants me to follow Him. I know I stumbled across another verse also which told me to be happy and joyful about myself, although I can't remember which one that was. But when I read those verses, I felt incredibly enlightened and realized that God really does care about me no matter my sexual orientation.

Now, I don't care if any of you guys agree or disagree with gay marriage or if any of you guys believe or disbelieve in a Creator; but, really, God doesn't want any (and I repeat with emphasis: ANY) of you sad about your sexual orientation. He wants you happy and joyful at all times! It doesn't matter who you are as a person. In God's eyes, you are much more than any label you or others may place on you. You are God's child! We are all God's children! Let's all stop treating each other like we're superior or inferior because of our sexual orientations and realize instead that God loves each and every one of us no matter who or what we are!

May God bless you,

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for such a well written article. It’s full of insightful information and entertaining descriptions. Your point of view is the best among many.
    What Are the 10 Best Bible Verses to Memorize for Youth?
