Thursday, December 25, 2014

It's Christmas: My Merry Christmas Message To You

Well, y'all, it's Christmas. That time of year when we all gather around with family and friends before the tree wrapped with presents, have a dinner together, and just celebrate the joy of the season.

Don't you just love Christmas? Every year, I've always looked forward to it. Mostly because that's part of one of the few times of year when everybody exchanges gifts, but also because it's a time when we can all get together and rejoice because Jesus tells us to rejoice! God sent angels to the shepherds, who were in turn singing, "Glory to God in the highest! And on earth peace to men of good will!"

I sometimes imagine the shock in the shepherd's eyes when they beheld such a wondrous, joyful sight. I imagine they were shocked to be so low yet to be visited and told by God's Messengers to Rejoice! Because unto them today is born a Savior, Who is Christ the Lord. And, most importantly, He chose to be born in a place where they could have the right to see Him, the King of Kings. And then they hear the beautiful chorus of angels singing to them, in harmonious voices, telling them in such a joyful way to rejoice and to go see the source of this joy: Jesus.

I think we should all keep in mind, whether you are atheist or Christian or any other belief, that this is a time of rejoicing. This is the time of year when we gather around to celebrate the joy of this time of year. There are so many celebrations going on around the world at this time of the year, and I honestly don't believe that any one of you is excluded from the joy of this winter holiday (or should I say holy day, just because I'm very spiritual and religious?).

I hope that, whoever you are and wherever you are in the world today, that you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays.

God bless,

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