So, here I am again! Ready to finish up the Understanding Asexuality At Its Core trilogy (or whatever name they use for a three-part blog series...).
Q. Do people choose to be asexual?
A. Like other sexual orientations, Asexuality isn't a choice. Granted, some people believe asexuality can be a choice sometimes (I believe this way, for example). But many believe it is natural for all asexuals.
Q. What should I do or say if someone I love comes out as asexual to me?
A. First off: Don't panic! Really, please don't. Asexuality doesn't mean the one you love has changed. It simply means that the person has recognized that there is a name for what he/she has always felt. I strongly suggest that you don't question the person's asexuality unless the person actually wishes to discuss his or her asexuality. Many, many asexuals I know would rather not discuss it with others unless for promoting awareness of it (with me, I could talk about it all day long! But I'm not "everybody").
Be certain that you are understanding when someone comes out to you as asexual. It doesn't mean that the person's broken. It simply means that the person experiences no sexual attraction. Nothing to fear!
Q. Last, but not least, why are you guys raising awareness about Asexuality?
A. We raise asexual awareness because many times people are confused by asexuality. Even I was confused about asexuality when I first heard about it. And why? Because there wasn't much about asexuality. Because there's almost nobody answering these questions about asexuality and almost no resources for it. What we are trying to do by raising awareness is let the truth be heard about our sexuality. We are trying to instruct people about what asexuality is and replace the myths with the truths.
And what are some of the best ways to spread awareness? By coming out to somebody, speaking about your sexual orientation (even if just to a family member or a friend), creating a blog specifically about asexuality,... there are a million suggestions on asexual blogs and websites out there! And if you can come up with a way, even better! The more we spread awareness, the better!
If you need more resources, just google Asexual or check out the AVEN website for more info about asexuality and what it means to be asexual.
All right. Take care and God bless!
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